Drexel Woods

Drexel Woods is a flat hike in a tiny preserve that barely contains a mile of trails. It’s one we would normally consider of interest only to locals. What provides broader significance is the 2/10 mile section bordering the Shabakunk. … Read More

Dry Run Creek / Rockhopper Trails

Just north of Mercer-Hunterdon County line is the Dry Run Creek trailhead, 20 minutes or so north of downtown Trenton by car. Maintained by the D&R Greenway Land Trust, it’s a delightful, 1.2 mile trail that descends into Dry Run Creek* and then climbs about 230 feet to 518 and another parking lot. There, if you look directly across the road, you can continue on the Rockhopper Trail. Altogether, you can walk an entertaining 10+ mile round trip hike.

Milford Bluffs: Thomas F. Breden Preserve

The Breden Preserve, 264 acres on Milford Bluffs, plus 30 acres preserved by the Nature Conservancy, provides a charming, and fairly easy walk to fabulous views of the river. (Driving time is 31-60 min, Rated Intermediate for elevation gain and because trails are poorly marked)