Morisville Levee Walk

Morisville Levee Walk

Circuit on public streets, Trenton & Morrisville

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Special notes for parents
This is a great way for kids to get a new perspective on the state capital, and its situation on the Delaware. The bridges are fab, as is the wildlife (not only birds, but I once saw a beaver on this walk). A favorite walk.
Walking on the Trenton Makes Bridge. The Morrisville Levee is visible across the far bank.

Urban Levee

This is the only urban walk on this website, and it’s really quite beautiful (except for a little stretch through the the Kafka-esque surface parking lots for State workers). It’s about 2.7 miles, and for most of it you can look out on the Delaware River. You will cross two bridges, and check out some of the best sights Trenton has to offer, including the Capitol, the Old Barracks, the downtown revival on Warren Street, and much more.

Click on the link below to download one of our Geospatial PDF maps. If you follow these instructions you can install this PDF on your smartphone, and it will show you where you are on the walk. Or you can just print the map, as you can any pdf.

On the PA side, you’ll be walking on a footpath along the top of the levee. You can cut over immediately after you cross the bridge. I normally do Trenton Makes first, and return via the Calhoun Street bridge, but it doesn’t really matter.

The Lincoln Highway was one of earliest transcontinental routes dedicated in 1913. It ran from Times Square, over the Calhoun St Bridge, to Lincoln Park in San Francisco.

The Levees were built during the depression by the WPA, and need repair, especially with the frequent flooding global warming seems to be inflicting on the Delaware. But it’s a great walk!

This is basically a flat walk, making it suitable for beginners.  But it’s so beautiful, anyone with an interest in Trenton will want to do it at least once.

2 Responses

  1. Beth
    | Reply

    We took this walk on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in November! Thanks for letting us know about it!

  2. Devon L Punchello
    | Reply

    Great information

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